if you use PD_ext, have a look in the jasch_lib: there is an external called strtok that helps you getting rid of characters. although i would rather suggest changing the way you pack the OSC messages in vvvv, that in the end you would end up with messages ála: /A/B/ 29 /A/C/ 51 ...
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: "Фывапр Олджэвич" tofuckof@inbox.ru Gesendet: 26.03.2012 16:00:00 An: PD-list pd-list@iem.at Betreff: [PD] Extracting delimeters in OSC ??
Seems it is still a problem.
We can't unpack list from VVVV, sent to one OSC channel of UDPrecieve...
I think it is because of the delimiter problem... it is recognised by PD as a list element..
Any help how to extract one particular element form list ?
So we have a list of 100 elements, and every second of which is SPACE or COMA .. e.g. : 29,51,34,11,123,
How can I extract COMAs from this to get just pd's appropriate list ?
Any object to find and extract delimiter ?
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