On 07/05/2015 11:56 AM, Alexandros Drymonitis wrote:
Is there a way to achieve the [initbang] effect in vanilla?
hmm. most externals i know of have been coded as externals because there is *no* way to achieve the same effect in Pd-vanilla (rather than - say - for efficiency reasons). so the simple answer is: no, there is no way.
but well: there are new generic classes to Pd added with every release, so I guess what you wanted to ask is whether [initbang] could be done in Pd-vanilla with recent enough versions.
the answer is still: no.
otoh, if you don't mind dirty tricks, the answer could also be "yes". see attached patch. saving the "dynin.pd" abstraction, will break it. using a different version of Pd might also break it. it might have undesired side effects. don't file bug-reports against Pd if the abstraction ever stops working. you have been warned.
Or is there any intention to include [initbang] in a future vanilla release?
iirc, there has been lengthy discussion about this on the list and on the bug tracker. the short answer is: "no, not in the current form". afair, miller would prefer an argument to [loadbang] to select initbang behaviour. and probably an alltogether different design.
Also, can't seem to find any initbang.c or initbang.pd_darwin. I guess it's in a file that contains more classes and is called something else. Is there a way to find a binary or code to compile, so I can use [initbang] in vanilla on os x?
no. [initbang] needs fundamental changes to the Pd-core. afaik it is impossible to implement it as an external.
fmgdsar IOhannes