On 21/04/2020 12:20, Peter P. wrote:
- Ingo ingo@miamiwave.com [2020-04-21 13:10]:
Thanks, Peter!
At the moment I cannot change to 0.50 but I'll keep it in mind for the near future when I will have to update my system.
Note that you could add entries for Debian testing in your /etc/apt/sources list but have your system default to stable by creating a file /etc/apt/preferences that reads something like this
Much better than to risk mixing stable+testing is to use the backports repository, which does have pd-0.50:
deb http://deb.debian.org/debian buster-backports main deb-src http://deb.debian.org/debian buster-backports main
apt install -t buster-backports puredata