On 06/03/2015 09:40 PM, Pierre Massat wrote:
Thank you both very much for the explanations. So if I got it right, the loop in itself was behaving as expected, but what was being printed in the console was not reflecting that. Instead print behaved like a list prepend. That's good to know, I candidly thought that print objects were printing out stuff in real time irrespective of what was going on in the rest of the patch.
no. everything was behaving as expected, and [print] was printing in "real time" (whatever that means).
but time in Pd is a fickle thing, and while things can happen in zero-time they also happen one after the other. [print] immediately prints any data it receives, but your patch was made in a way that would send the "last" message to [print] before it would send the "first" message. hence the reversion.
to re-iterate: [trigger] would have made this more obvious.
gfmsd IOhannes