or., 2017.eko urrren 13a 17:13(e)an, IOhannes m zmölnig igorleak idatzi zuen:
On 10/13/2017 11:06 AM, enrike wrote:
I know, but I just wanted to know if there something that does the same job but within a single object
why? what does it buy you? what does it cost you?
sorry I did not provide any context and I guess it is difficult to understand why would anyone want to do such a trivial thing.
I am doing *very* short introductions to PD to art students who are very far from being technical. In that context I noticed that the less connections the better. I basically provide them with ready to use examples and a basic understanding of how to tweak them.
I could have created a simple abstraction encapsulating the structure but since the number of outputs must be dynamically created on load I am not sure about how to do it. I also thought it might be already something out there, I did not want to reinvent the wheel