- (0 3 5 1 2 4) might make sense for an engineer because zero for him would
be the first note, but a musician uses to start with one, not zero. If this notation is for expressing some voicings, that is a lot easier and free to read under jazz notation for a human, unless the numbers represents guitar tablatures.
It almost sounds like the machine will help classical musicians or mathemusicians to do like if they were improvising, interesting...
Ah, yes, well I only meant that is the internal representation. The interface would take that input and generate an appropriate output for a given instrument in the correct transposition, so a flute player would see the cell as noteheads on a treble clef.
I'm wondering if I should use something like PyExt to do some of the mapping, as I don't know of any simple way to do hash dictionaries in PD itself. As a test last night, I built a simple abstraction to take notes C C# D etc. and output pitch numbers 0-11, and i found it quite tedius to do compared to a function in code such as (this is in PHP because that is what I do all day long at my day job): function note2number($note) { $num = array ('C'=>0,'C#'=>1,'Db'=>1); return $num[$note]; }
- I imagine that puredata will have to transpose for each instrument, but
if only the key (or key modulation) is given it would be easy to do.
A dictionnary of symbols is so easier to read than numbers for expressing musical events, that's why I've asked if you used font files, but maybe using gem geos or texture files would make it more elegant or versatile?
I'm not sure about fonts, I guess I don't know whether that would work on multiple operating systems... I just thought that GEM would allow it to work on any OS. I agree it might be nice to use already built musical symbols rather than reinventing the wheel. Then I would only need GEM to draw the staff lines and position the noteheads and symbols in relation to it.