error: gemwin_color: only 5 arguments are typecheckable; use A_GIMME
error: envgen_sustain: only 5 arguments are typecheckable; use A_GIMME
What is A_GIMME?
these are signs of "bad" source-code (although I think, it used to be "good" code sometimes, but since miller changed the main-sources sometimes...)
i means that when writing externals, you can define lists of various types (eg.: float symbol float float) that are passed to an object (at creation time). if the "size" of such lists is less than five, you can have pd check the types for you; i f the passed arguments are fitting into the predefined type-list, everything is ok, else the object won't be created (par example: you want an object "myobject" to have 3 arguments: name(symbol), length(float) and index (integer); the object then has to be created like "myobject hullo 12345 2"; if you try to create a "myobject how are you" this will result into an error, and no object is created) if the "size" of such lists exceeds the number "5", you (the programmer) have to do a little workaround, that is :: use a A_GIMME; this is a list of atoms of various types; you then have to check the types by yourself, during the initialization phase; (par example typing "myobject how are you" will create an object, no matter which types (here 3* symbol) are passed; the object may (or may not) do a check and return an error to the console)
but anyhow, as a mere user this shouldn't bother you; but i think programmers should try to clean up their codes (although they certainly get the same error messages and should have been warned !); i think Gem has got this solved by 0.83, but i don't know about the ggext
mfg.fdsa.ra hannes