On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 01:39:08PM -0400, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
BTW I've been using Pd-Extended's Linux/OSX default font size as the basis for all my patches for making my last 400 patches or so.
I've used Pd vanilla for all my patches so far, with a "10" font-size, whatever that is in pixels. I know, that Pd-extended uses some different layout for several years now, which makes patches look wrong when you load them in Pd vanilla and the other way around. I have not much interest to discuss the differences between vanilla and Pd-x, as I am hoping the two to unify again with the gui-rewrite. So I'm willing to change my preferences to whatever will be the new vanilla, but I'd prefer to not do again that with every release or with every new Courier-like font that pops up on the Internets' Top 10 console font lists and is so much better than the previous ones.