Hello Pd-World,
just realised that it's pretty easy to draw Pd objects with any amount of in/outlets in SVG by just using 2 rectangles. C o.O l!
the key SVG properties are "stroke-dasharray" and "stroke-dashoffset" http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/painting.html#StrokeProperties
a picture tells thousand words -> pd-object-in-svg.png
as i don't need this (at least not ATM) i didn't bother with the maths, so this picture is the only thing i can offer, for now...
yet another tinkerer Andre Schmidt
P.S. if there's interest, it would probably be useful to get in contact with http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2000Oct/0032.html (as that's the only reference i could find about the following) to at least get a real proposal for "stroke-align" to W3C way. with stroke-align we could easily position the in/outlets _inside_ the box, and not just on the center of vector...