Hello Guys,
I have done some re-organization with the qpd code. I put the widget/plugin and basic examples in separate repos and use submodules now - see README for more details!
Since it has been reorginized, it should be much easier to add stuff to it and extend the project further! I would be interested to hear any thoughts on more advanced communication model. Currently it has been doing basic TCP and only one way (qpd->pd). It'd be great to try muticasting and other thing, such as 0MQ or may be anything else, e.g. MPI and libpd. Well, let's not get too crazy!
The main interest it QT is for it's ability to run in embedded mode using DirecFB. Would be great for tables and other embedded devices.
Hope to here from you soon!
Ilya (errordeveloper@gmail.com)