Hi John, is this a problem of 10.5.7? Did it work before? [fullscreen 1, menubar 0, create, 1( works for 10.5.6 will update to 10.5.7 and try again... marius.
John Harrison wrote:
I'm sending |fullscreen 1, cursor 0, menubar 0, border 0, create, 1, lighting 0(
(and every variant of order etc. I can think of, menubar -1 etc.)
to [gemwin]
and the top apple menubar shows up every time.
I tried Pd-extended latest release 0.40-3 and Pd-extended 0.41-4 RC 4
I tried everything I could think of in the [window properties] help of Gemwin and a few times got rid of the menubar with some magical something-or-other but if I closed Pd, reopened and tried again I couldn't duplicate getting rid of the menubar.
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