On 01/02/2018 07:34 PM, Lucas Cordiviola wrote:
Happy 2018 list!!!
IMO [foo/obj] is the “best practice”.
i find [list-abs/list-splat] to be certainly bad practice.
i don't think there is one general "best practice" for these kind of things (with the current state of affairs).
I'm having inconsistent results for single-binary libs (iemlib). Some obj are working and some not. See pic attached.
because iemlib, even when compiled as a single-binary is *not only* a single binary, but also comes with a number of abstractions.
with iemlib and some other libs like zexy, but also Gem (which tries to do that for you by magicking), the "best practice" is to load both the library and add the path and then use the objects without a prefix (aka namespace).
fgmrdsa IOhannes