On 17/08/12 10:03, Duncan Speakman wrote:
Sam, we've been building and developing Pd on the gumstix embedded platform recently. I'm also running on a Mac so I can give you some of the knowledge I've learnt (it's been an uphill struggle for us too!) which may also apply to working on the Pi.
- As Andy said you can use ssh to run pd remotely. You need to have
installed Xcode on your mac, then use X11 and then log in as Andy describes. You can then run it just by typing pd, but don't forget your flags! we're currently using pd -alsa -nomidi -audiobuf 25 -r 22050 -blocksize 128 Tweaking all these will help!
- The gui can be pretty slow this way so I generally build the patches
on my mac locally, then copy them over to see how the processor on the Gumstix handles them.
- couple of bugs we found when trying to run pd with -nogui
- tables and delread objects behave badly unless you delay turning on
the dsp. So in the patch that opens with no gui put a 1 or sec delay after a loadbang to turn on the dsp.
I found the loadbang workaround doesn't always fix the no sound problem with -gui. This patch (which I posted to pd-dev in April) does:
- (this is the really weird one) The expr object doesn't work if we
launch Pd on startup ( init.d ) with nogui, BUT if we run it with -nogui in a command line over SSH it does.
- we're running a custom build of Ubuntu, we had to do this to get the
built in audio and outputs on the Gumstix to work. not sure how this is on the Pi. I'll get Tim to publish it soon anyway.