for me it seems that the problem was either with the kernel < 2.6.4 or the fact that i'm using a mac_ppc and had both the AT keyboard kernel option and the mac ADB device support running at the same time... probably the latter i think so im not going to rebuild the kernel in 2.6.3 to test unless someone really wants me to.
btw im using ALSA, haven't got around to learning about JACK yet, but it looks useful... wonder if theres something like that for video ie, can you use multiple applications with the same /dev/??
Quoting derek holzer
Howdy, wrote:
Has anyone been able to get the 2.6 linux kernel to work with the realtime scheduling? I get a keyboard/kernel crash still, wondering if its a
config issue.
No problems here. Using ALSA or Jack. Only been on 2.6 for a week tho, so something could come up. With my luck, it would be in the middle of a gig! ;-)
-- derek holzer ::: ---Oblique Strategy # 21: "Be less critical"
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