After searching the list about 0 delay delwrites~, I was reminded that they do indeed produce at least a one block delay. It seems send~ and receive~ do too. So, I set the abstraction to have [block 1] and that's fixed it. Hope this message helps anyone. I'll upload a new version to Github later for anyone who is looking for an audio rate shift register.
On Tue, Feb 22, 2022 at 5:08 PM Samuel Burt wrote:
Hi, all.
I'm having a problem with an abstraction I've created to produce a shift register at the audio rate.
Here's a picture of the patch and a help patch explaining how it works.
Also, here's a Github link if you want to download and try it.
*Quick description:* The abstraction shiftregister~ is an object that generates 8 random bits set to 1 or 0 (output as signals). The bits cycle when a (gate) signal in the left inlet decreases in value. A signal in the right inlet sets the probability that the first bit will flip. When the right inlet is 0, the bits will cycle unchanged. At 0.5, the cycle will be completely random. At 1, the cycle will flip every bit creating a 16-stage sequence. In my help patch, I distinguish the outputs by multiplying them each by a power of two and combine them to form an 8-bit number which is then sonified as a note sequence by the [makebeep] subpatch.
*My problem:* I've noticed that as I increase the cycle frequency into the kHz range, some instabilities occur. In one instance, I've locked the cycle with a 0% chance for a bit to flip. When I increase the frequency high enough, the cycle will either flatten out to a single value, or I've observed the pattern change so only one value is high while all the others are low. In addition, if I run phasor~ at 1/8 of the cycle speed, I expect it to see the phasor synced to the cycle from the shift register. At lower frequencies this works fine, but at higher frequencies the phase starts drifting.
*How it works:* I'm using sixteen [samphold~] objects in a loop. Odd numbered [samphold]~s receive a gate (square wave created from a phasor) while even numbered [samphold]~s receive an inverted gate. Is there some kind of delay introduced by [delwrite~] [delread~] even when the delay is set to 0ms? Is there any delay created by the [samphold~] objects? Maybe someone can help me make sense of this, or has a better way of producing audio rate shift registers. Please, let me know!