Hello all,
The past discussion on this topic has been primarily about the 'database' which might store the audio fingerprints.
However, the initial problem is not storage or retrieval of the fingerprint, but what does the fingerprint LOOK like? How does one create a 'stamp' or 'summary' or 'fingerprint' of a sound file? For example, if I were to make a 'fingerprint' of a 4 minute song...I might map the peak frequencies along a time code; or perhaps generate a 3 dimensional 'topography' of the entire song via FFT? These might be valuable references when comparing multiple audio 'fingerprints'. However, it seems like a clumsy way to do it - a method that might be reliable but would be incredibly slow if one were to compare one 'fingerprint' to a database of a thousand songs.
Does anybody have any experience with this?
Ideally, an audio 'fingerprint' would be a wonderfully small sequence of very important information that could be stored in any number of ways - perhaps a database, perhaps the new [pool] object, perhaps text files. But the storage of such a 'fingerprint' doesn't seem to ME to be as mysterious as the 'fingerprint' itself. What IS it? is it a coordinate map? is it an array of peak frequencies?
Regards, Dave S