On 1/2/20 10:43 PM, David Kettle wrote:
Where should I report a problem with the freeverb~ external library? Is it still being supported by anyone? I've installed the latest version of the freeverb~ library (v1.2.3) for Pure Data (64-bit) using Deken. But when I
you might try to run: $ apt-get install pd-freeverb
or tell us which OS you are using...
however (and to recur to the "apt-get" joke above), i don't have any problem loading and using freeverb~ on Debian GNU/linux amd64 (aka "64bit").
the last development activity for freeverb~ was done on https://github.com/electrickery/pd-freeverb
you might want to post a detailed bug-report there (as well).
gfmdsat IOhannes