Sounds like some argument that was allowed in the old version no longer works in the new one... Could you post the text of the bonk object so I can check it?
thanks Miller
On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 07:09:50PM +0200, Gintaras Lau. wrote:
I'm a pd Vanilla user and since I upgraded to ubuntu 9.10 [bonk~] unusually respond to parameter change (tresh.,mask etc.). It worked on 9.04.
On strtup pd outputs:
bonk version 1.3 error: usage is: bonk [-npts #] [-hop #] [-nsigs #] [-nfilters #] [-halftones #] ... you might be able to track this down from the Find menu. ... [-overlap #] [-firstbin #] [-spew #] error: usage is: bonk [-npts #] [-hop #] [-nsigs #] [-nfilters #] [-halftones #] ... [-overlap #] [-firstbin #] [-spew #] error: usage is: bonk [-npts #] [-hop #] [-nsigs #] [-nfilters #] [-halftones #] ... [-overlap #] [-firstbin #] [-spew #]
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