PD 0.45 is working fine.
No 0.46 version can run. But with 0.46-0, I get:
$ pd priority 6 scheduling enabled. priority 8 scheduling enabled. segmentation fault
Kind regards, Xavier Miller.
Le 12/02/16 08:56, Xavier Miller a écrit :
Test without DBUS, same results: segmentation fault.
I run jackd with those parameters: /usr/bin/jackd -P80 -u -dalsa -dhw:0 -r48000 -p512 -n3
Kind regards, Xavier Miller.
Le 11/02/16 21:01, IOhannes m zmölnig a écrit :
On 02/11/2016 08:58 PM, Xavier Miller wrote:
I use jack-dbus. I attached the ~/config/jack/conf.xml file
would it be possible to *not* use jack-dbus for testing?
mgfdsar IOhannes
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