Luke Iannini (pd) wrote:
I know Pd-E does this to be as easy as possible to set up for new users, but at the same time perhaps it is best that a new user sticks with the vanilla objects anyways, and if they're really interested in more objects, they can learn how to use the directory prefixes or
several people i've talked to are used to using Max this way:
i tell them, use pd, it's free!
so they
work because they don't have particular externals
to ask this kind of user to 'stick with the vanilla objects' avoids the fact that actually there are some (perhaps many) potential users of Pd who use Pd/Max in the way i have described - ie they don't actually want to learn to program properly, just learn enough to string other people's pre-made super rad awesome patches together.
(incidentally this seems to be how a lot of people learn to code in the days of open sourcey art code on the Intertubes - for example with Processing, i've lost count of the number of times i've helped people out who say they don't really know how to code, they just copy and paste other people's (usually already quite complex) stuff and then fiddle until it works.)