i've been trying today to install and test a full-featured PD on OSX ( with most externs and libraries ).
apart from some keyboard problems ( it doesn't seem to catch "~" from the french iBook layout ( yeah, it's tricky : keys are : <alt>n ) + missing <apple>C/<apple>V for cut & paste ), i have more serious issues with the dynamic loader :
a/ although i start it with the command :
"pd -path externs"
and that my objects are all there ( in externs/*.pd_darwin ), it seems that after one loading or two, the path is lost and it doesn't find my objects anymore.....sh****!
b/ the dynamic loader also firmly refuses to load two objects which define the same symbol..... too bad.... all LADSPA plugins define the same routines.... they won't load....yes, the good news here is that i compiled LADSPA plugins for OSX and even the plugin~ which needed some modifications.
so, finally, very few patches are working : i can only load 2/3 objects and i have to be cautious with the ones i choose : they should not define the same routine.
any OSX guru out there ??
thanx for providing some workarounds.