Unfortunately, I've come to the conclusion that GEM just is too unstable to use on PC. A patch that was working fine for a week and a half, now crashes every time... Probably it's the video that is causing the problem, I loaded in a different file. But the new file worked, at first. Now the entire patch crashes every time, when I open the rendering window, with a memory allocation error.
But, after running it for a few minutes, it would often crash anyway.
I'm going to build the same patch In Jitter, and compare.
On Mar 7, 2006, at 11:54 AM, ruben patiño wrote:
which is the best file extension for video supported by Gem (in osx and windows) and also which is the best codec for both windows and osx.
my vote goes to Raw-AVI (.avi) in RGB colorspace
Im interested in something really stable, if one of my computers with pd crashes at the middle of the piece, im gonna be dead.
there are no guarantees that the software will not crash. by using pd you agree that there are no guarantees associated with using the software. see the LICENSE.txt in CVS or with your favourite distribution
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