On 05/25/2015 11:27 AM, Jan Baumgart wrote:
Hi there,
I'm getting a strange warning, when working with a data structure array containing text elements:
"warning: word_restore: extra arguments"
This message gets posted for every array element, when loading the data.
This means that each element of the array you are loading has more data than what you have defined in the corresponding [struct].
For example-- suppose the [struct] for your array elements is defined as [struct foo float y]. If you try to load data where each array element has two floating point values, like "1" and "2", you'll get this warning. Pd will load "1" into the slot for the y field, but you don't have a field defined for "2". That's why it complains.
This is a warning instead of an error presumably because it's easy to run into this problem. For example, you could build a patch using [struct foo float x float y]. After you saved the data, maybe you decided you didn't need the "x", so you change it to [struct foo float y]. Now when you load the data, it has an extra argument that gets discarded.
There's an example patch attached. Open test_preset_data_structure.pd and click "read preset.txt".
There's a comment in the text/data structure help patch saying: "bug - saving multi-line texts inside structures"
As far as i can tell, the data gets stored and loaded correctly. Can i just ignore this warning, or should i be worried about losing data?
thx, Jan
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