Hi Mathieu, all solved, but the path and stratup I could not do in graphical mode, I should have text and terminal, but it works very well, do not think is a bug, others would have noticed, but osx will not let me select the pd folder, just as I did. In Linux all good, I found before in osx, hehehe, I appreciate the support.
Best regards
2010/9/6 Mathieu Bouchard matju@artengine.ca
On Mon, 6 Sep 2010, Jose Luis Santorcuato wrote:
Hi Mathieu... the point is that you can not path with gui on mac osx ...
That's weird. Are you running a test-version of 42 ? Is it a bug that has been reported and fixed already ? I don't recall that one.
another question.... why some patchs not works (camera)?chrashes... and
terminal says: error not open....the other patchs works fine...
Normally, you had to click on each [#camera] box to open the dialogue (just an abstraction's apparent contents) to pick your camera. But some patches say [#camera 0] instead, which automatically picks device 0 instead of doing nothing. But it's not been used uniformly in GF's examples.
If you find any patch(es) that cause pd to shutdown, please make a list of them and send it on the pd-list and/or gridflow-dev mailing-list. (it doesn't have to be an exhaustive list, but sometimes a single bug can cause problems in many places at once, and it's easier to catch the problem if I can see a pattern in it).
| Mathieu Bouchard ------------------------------ Villeray, Montréal, QC