timon botez wrote:
Hi, I have a small problem with the Gem 3dText object. When I send a stream of single words to the object, the baseline keeps shifting. This happens when the word has a descending character. I tried to send a
i think you have discovered a bug.
<center> message through justify but I only get this reply: error: GEM: TextBase: invalid height justification: center. Anyone else experienced this?
the error message is somewhat misleading and the help patch is wrong. the syntax for justification is "justify center|left|right [middle|top|bottom] [halfway|front|back]" for alignment long the x- y- and z-axis. (the docs does speaks of "center" for y-alignment too but this really should read "middle") ((i guess "center", "middle" and "halfway" should be made aliases to avoid confusion))
anyhow, with "discovering a bug" i mean, that even if you do justification along the y-axis, yo ustill get baseline-shifting.
i'll have a look at this.
mfg.a.sdr IOhannes