i am sorry, i did not make it possible to delete stuff in pdb
if anybody wants to delete entries, please drop me a line.
On Tue, 22 Mar 2005 ix@replic.net wrote:
On Tue, Mar 22, 2005 at 09:43:11PM +0100, Max Neupert wrote:
Am 22.03.2005 um 02:37 schrieb CK:
I read:
do you mean the shell or [shell]? where's the helpfile for [shell]? at the pdb it says it's windows only.
[shell] is by guenter geiger, it's in the sourceforge cvs and it's rather everything _but_ windows (though I guess with cywin there's a way to get it to work)
so one should not beleive what's in the pdb?
should i trash this bookmark?
how do you delete stuff in pdb? i tried this months ago, as i renamed my 'shell' to 'popen' so it wouldnt conflict with the existing one...