Hi Roman,
I just wanted to get that out of the way. Just because glxgears runs doesn't mean that OpenGL is working and you actually have direct rendering. Sorry I can't help more, since I've never gotten ATI cards to work properly with Linux. Glad at least those work for you! ;-)
best, d.
Roman Haefeli wrote:
hi derek
as i mentioned in the original post, i *have* accelerated graphics on my computer, so glxinfo tells me:
'direct rendering: Yes'
the problem i have in this specific case, that i suspect gem not to make use of the hardware acceleration, for whatever reason. i don't know of reliable way to check that yet, though (besides noticing that it is much slower than i would expect).
On Mon, 2006-11-27 at 23:03 +0100, derek holzer wrote:
Hi Roman,
Getting accelerated graphics from ATI cards on Linux has always been problematic with or without GEM.
What does "glxinfo" (or "fgl_glxinfo"???) tell you? Look for the line which says:
direct rendering:
which should tell you "Yes" or "No".
best, d.
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