Hi alexandre, why do you think it is not possible? or what exacactly do you want to do? If you try to have several glsl programs like a filter bank, first do glsl-blur, then glsl-bloom, then glsl-apply-texture-to-model... then I think this only works with gemframebuffer plus playing around with "texunit 0", "texunit 1", and so on... and maybe also the right in/outlets of texture to reference gpu textures. unfortunately GEM on os x 10.5 is still broken, so I can only do very rudimentary stuff (no developing), but before that I was trying to do exactly this and I think it should be possible to do. marius.
Alexandre Quessy wrote:
Hi, It seems like we cannot use two GLSL shader programs at a time. Hence, I need to merge both fragment and vertex programs to use them together.... Is there a way to use more than 2 shaders ? In Jitter, there is jit.gl.slab that allows that. http://www.cycling74.com/documentation/jit.gl.slab
If not possible in Gem, that would be an awesome add-on to it.