I understand it's called a debounce. Not sure precisely what's going on. But if you want to make sure only one gets through I always use a [sel 1] or [sel 0]. or of course [sel 0 1] followed by [del 10] which only accepts bangs, and delays the output by 10 milliseconds, which you won't notice. But when it recieves a bang before the previous one has outputted it restarts the sequence, result, only one message on each key on or key off.
Hope this helps.
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2010 12:16:42 +0100 From: james@4thharmonic.com To: pd-list@iem.at Subject: [PD] HID double event bug
I filed a bug report some time ago here: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3002665&group_id=55...
Just tested this with Pd version 0.42.5-extended-rc2 on Ubuntu 10.04 and it's the same. Basically I get two events for each key press like this:
[hid] opened device 4 (/dev/input/event4): AT Translated Set 2 keyboard
print: key key_space 1
print: key key_space 1
print: key key_space 0
print: key key_space 0
Thought I'd mention here too as surely this is a bug? Not a major problem, but it means I always need an [alternate] object or similar. This then became a problem when working on a patch for two note chords when the key commands do not always arrive in the same order and some notes would stay on.
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