On Saturday 22 November 2003 13:04, Marc Lavallée wrote:
On Sat, Nov 22, 2003 at 09:06:49AM -0800, Ken wrote:
Why is it that it seems that one should feel guilty about having a cosmetically beautifull tool to create/express oneself with?
I'm was not trying to be an aesthetic moralist, and guiltiness is counter productive.
I mean we spend alot of time there, personally I want a nice view, (like women?)...
I never though of PD as a sexual object.
I'm kind of bewildered about this as well - to me, PD is just a tool to *create* something beautifull, namely music. It doesn't need to be artistic in itself.
And because using PD takes some serious left-brain thinking, I'm a bit surprised that many users care about it's graphical appearance. But obviously they do.
I suppose the analogy here would be that some musicians prefer their instruments to look nice, hence nice looking grand pianos, snazzy looking guitars, and the like.