Could you post them again as a .tar.gz or a .zip? Then the files
won't get broken into shorter lines by email servers and clients.
On Feb 24, 2008, at 12:12 PM, Patrice Colet wrote:
oops, the external/Makefile patch is here.
Patrice Colet a écrit :
Here I've attached the patches. Patrice Colet a écrit :
Hello, i've been working on other things during last monthes and
did'nt really go further, for the moment the cygwin build work
without pdtcl.dll neither, it means that we have to load
pd from cygwin shell, otherwise pd.exe is looking for cygwin1.dll.In fact if we want pd.exe to use cygwin1.dll we certainly have
to modify s_entry.c for including some code like it is explained
in this page: mingw
I've attached the files, not the patches, for building pd and
externals with cygwin, this is still not yet terminated.Hans-Christoph Steiner a écrit :
What's the status on building Pd on cygwin? I have a windows
machine now, but I couldn't find the final patch to in the tracker or on the list..hc
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