Haha! I love it. Great Obama sample/revelation.
On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 1:35 AM, Alexandre Porres porres@gmail.com wrote:
Dear Folks!
I adapted my Live Phase Vocoder Abstraction [LPVoc] to a sample based Phase Vocoder --> [PVoc].
Works with Mono & Stereo, but can be used for more channels. PVoc & LPVoc now come with shy help files, but official manuals are still in their guts.
A [LPVoc] was also taken care of... Both abstractions, help files & sound file examples are in the zip file below:
Curious fact: [PVoc]'s help has an excerpt of Obama's speech where he says "Let me Express" but, when heard backwards, we clearly hear what he meant: "Serve Satan".
Cheers Alex
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