Hi Phil
You may want to look at http://usb-midi-fw.sourceforge.net/ for some
m-audio midi and audio devices. I think I've plugged in a couple of
usb audio devices to demudi (edirol ua-1x was one) and the computer
saw them and they worked without any fuss. For some time now, I've
found it easier to configure new hardware (excluding firewire) in
demudi than in windows.
cheers dafydd
On 22-Jan-06, at 10:08 PM, Phillip Stearns wrote:
I just got DeMuDi up and running on my PC and was wondering where I could find the Zexy externals for Linux in addition to the pdp installs. Where's the best palce to put all my PD stuff in Linux? Also, are there any good resources that you've used to getting Linux to recognize usb devices (audio and otherwise)? I'm making the switch over to Linux because Pd (and many other things) in Windows sucks (lacks good video and other cool features). If any of you have pointers on PD in linux and what to look out for I'd be very appreciative.
Thanks! Phil