On Tue, Oct 09, 2007 at 11:26:59AM -0400, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
On Mon, 8 Oct 2007, Chris McCormick wrote:
On Mon, Oct 08, 2007 at 12:41:22PM -0400, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
There's a difference between being sensitive to racism and dismissing history.
I wonder why we don't refer to the european hordes rushing into countless continents, slaughtering and raping the local peoples for the last few hundred years? There is a difference between dismissing history and selective memory.
Just because we don't mention it *here*, doesn't mean we don't know it or want to forget it. We don't have quotas of representation of historical facts on pd-list. If you want to balance the representation of historical facts on pd-list, do your own share if you will, but pd-list has no such duty.
Yeah of course, but Frank was not talking about the pd-list. He was referring to a phrase in the Jargon File. I am not asking people on the pd-list to be more sensitive or to enforce 'quotas of representation'. It's a free world; people can say whatever they like and use whatever phrases they like. What I am saying is that your statement that we shouldn't "dismiss history", implying that the phrase "Mongolian hordes" represents a historically valid viewpoint is perpetuating a western-biased (racist) falsehood.
There is strong debate about whether the Mongolians were "uncivilised" and how ruthless they were. To illustrate this point, consider that in many cases recorded by the people being invaded they treated people much better by comparison than European invaders, who recorded their invasions themselves. To use the phrase "Mongolian hordes" is to reinforce a factually incorrect racist cultural stereotype. It is to imply that other people invading are "hordes" whilst when western people invade it's "progress". The mere fact that everyone knows what we're talking about when we say "mongolian hordes" whilst there is no similar widespread cliche for western invaders in our culture is testament to this fact.
Now, while you're back into that topic, can you point to me the reasons why Canada refused to sign the last treaty about natives?
No, not really. I am sure you can find more information about it on the net if you care to try. A search for 'UN indigenous rights' will yeild many results.
The Canadian government has traditionally strongly supported this UN action for indigenous people's rights, right up until the current government came into power.
"Unfortunately, the provisions in the Declaration on lands, territories and resources are overly broad, unclear, and capable of a wide variety of interpretations, discounting the need to recognize a range of rights over land and possibly putting into question matters that have been settled by treaty," -- Canada's UN Ambassador John McNee
You seemed to assume that if Canada had not signed it, it had to be for the worst of reasons,
but have you actually read about the reasons?
A little. The conflict is similar to that in Australia. There are many sides and they usually concern the ownership of traditional lands:
the right to use their traditional lands.
agenda of environmental protection.
land in order to dig valuable things out of the ground and sell them on the global market. Unfortunately the remaining stocks of underground resources are often located under traditionally owned lands these days.
by sensationalist media headlines about indigenous land re-acquisition.
peoples and they don't want those treaties to be disturbed.
There are many sides to the argument but I think these are generally the issues.