On Sun, 28 Nov 2010, Andrew Faraday wrote:
- Does anyone know if it's been done in puredata before? Can I get hold of it?
I made gridflow/examples/game_of_life.pd in 2001 (well, actually ported to Pd in 2002-2003, but it was precisely the same code).
Since then, I improved it somewhat, and it became this crazy thing that computes three wraparound 640x480 boards at a time at 60 fps on my old Pentium-M. That's 55 million computed cells per second.
You can easily readapt it to a single board at whatever resolution you want, and display it the way you want (convert to pix, pdp, lists, etc).
- Is it well documented enough?
What do you need to be documented about it ?
- Does it work on different operating systems (was made on ubuntu
(netbook remix) so some of it may not transfer)?
Has been seen working on many Linuxes, OSX, Windows. (though conversion from grid to gem still doesn't work on Windows : you have to convert to list first instead)
- How might you improve on this?
No idea, I put all the tricks I could to make this version fast, without writing any dedicated C++ code.
I may, in the longer run, be planning to use this for a generative music patch. Don't know if that means anything to you.
How will you turn a [time,rows,columns] animation into a [time,frequency] series of spectra, or a [time] signal ?
What I write within [] are dimensions of the data. A game of life animation has at least 3 dimensions (though in my patch I use 4 dimensions, but that's not relevant).
| Mathieu Bouchard ---- tél: +1.514.383.3801 ---- Villeray, Montréal, QC