Is the "vis 1" coming from outside the abstraction or within it?
If it's coming from outside you could instantiate the abstraction
every time with a unique $1 ID, and then the "vis 1" could be sent to the appropriate $1-subpatch within whichever xy.pd abstraction you want.
If you're doing "vis 1" from within the abstraction you could do a
$0-subpatch within xp.pd and have the "vis 1" control that.
I hope that's understandable...
At 20:32 09/05/2003 -0400, you wrote:
Hello all,
I'm working on a XY controller abstraction (just using native PD objects) xy.pd
Problem I'm having is that when using messages like "vis 1" to pd-xy.pd it applies to all the intances of the abstraction. Is there any way I can have that message only effect the instance?
On that note whats the address of the documentation for these messages? I'm starting to use them more and more.
I'll be distributing the abstraction when its somewhat done.
Thanks Ben
. . David McCallum . Music wants to be free . .