On Thu, 2021-02-11 at 15:05 -0300, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
If you want a vanilla dropdown, Henri made one here https://github.com/HenriAugusto/guilla
I found an important difference between [guilla/dropdownMenu] and [jmmmp/jp.menu]. The former uses sliders as buttons while the latter uses scalars of data structures. The problem with sliders is that (like any other regular GUI widget in Pd) the lowest one gets the click if there is an overlap. When [dropdownMenu] is placed right on top of other GUI stuff, in expanded view you can either not click the items or you cannot see them, depending on which order [dropdownMenu] was created relative to the other stuff. Thus, [dropdownMenu] doesn't help in saving screen estate.
It seems with expanded view of [jp.menu] covering other stuff, you can still click the listed items, though the widgets below gets the click, too. It's not ideal, but one can at least "protect" other stuff by registering whether [jp.menu] is expanded or not.
It turns out it's a science to get this right.