that is great! maybe pdconv people are also taping some parts? marius.
Greg Pond wrote:
I will pack the gear. I have another friend who is coming too that studied video with me, if he is willing to help, maybe between the two of us we can cover a good bit. I will be in a workshop and doing some other things to learn more about PD but I think this will help me out a lot too. Please send suggestions for subjects/topics and help me make arrangements to connect with the appropriate folks if you can.
On 8/17/07, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
That sounds awesome! I think a little documentary video would be quite nice to have.
On Aug 17, 2007, at 3:53 PM, Greg Pond wrote:
If there is enough interest to commit this to video, I could do a little shooting- just let me know and I will bring a camera and mic to Montreal. I will be there wed. evening through sat. morning. I am working on another documentary project right now and cannot commit to any reasonable schedule for editing or other post production but can hand over the tapes or work on it when my schedule opens up. I would want someone with more knowledge of the Pd world to help determine who and what to shoot and help with interviewing but I am happy to help out.
On 8/16/07, marius schebella wrote:
the "money for Pd" topic was already discussed often; pd licenses for universities, several other ways to support the development of pd like conventions, google summer of code and so on. although it never lead to results... I was thinking of funds or prizes like the ars electronica festival. I am still not sure if Pd will fit in one of the categories, but I know that you have to send a DVD about the project/community. maybe the pdconv would be a good place for some interviews and shoot good footage.
one principle question for me with submissions is, if someone should be in charge of the pd community? like an official speaker, or a table of people. honestly I think no, but without that it will be more difficult to access some of the money. (does pd development need money at all???...)
the more tanglible question is, if there is someone who wants to help getting this done, filming, interviewing, cutting, writing, research.
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