Jerome Tuncer wrote:
Merhaba Batuhan,
To my knowledge, there are ways to do that in GEM.
- Loading images to see them in a window comes in pretty easy. Just use
the [pix_image] and/or [pix_multiimage} to actually load the stuff (I personnaly use the tiff format for uncompressed images). Then use [pix_texture] to apply them to a basic GL shape like [rectangle] or [square] depending on the aspect ratio of the picture. Building a subpatch/abstraction that detects this ratio and adapts the rectangle size accordingly shouldn't be very complicated, I have an abstraction hanging around that I could give you if you wish.
- Getting pixel color can apparently be done with [pix_data]. See help
file, never used it yet...
- [gemmouse] is your friend to get mouse coordinates and button
information from inside the gemwin.
Thanks Jerome, this was the info I was looking for!