thanks hard and claude. i will try both of those things.
also. is there anyway to speed up the loading time of the arrays? it seems to take a good few minutes at the moment?
where can i find iem16 ?
I see that it's not in iemlib, or am i missing something?
2008/7/24 Claude Heiland-Allen
Solen Music wrote:
is there anything i can do to save on RAM??
PD uses 32bits natively (unless you compiled it especially for 64bit), so the iem16 stuff would halve the amount of RAM required, but at the slight expense of audio quality (doesn't matter if your files loaded into tables are 16bit, but for delay lines you might notice the decreased dynamic range).
also how can i calculate roughly how much RAM that pd will need per second of audio array/delay line etc.??
4 bytes per sample * 44100 samples per second (or whatever the sample rate is) for 32bit audio.
Plus a small constant (I hope) overhead for bookkeeping for each object.