most of you probably know about it already, but for those, who are interested in the musical part of the conference and happen to be in the area here is an overview of the concerts.
-- Orm
Konzerte im Rahmen der/Concerts at the
2nd International
L I N U X A U D I O C O N F E R E N C E 2 0 0 4
ZKM Karlsruhe, Germany
Lorenzstraße 19
29. april/april 29
20 uhr/8 pm
Michael Edwards
anonymous obvious (tape)
Ludger Bruemmer
Gesualdo (tape)
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano iICEsCcRrEeAaMm (tape)
Orm Finnendahl
grep UA/WP
Saxophon, Schlagzeug/percussion, Computer
Sascha Armbruster, Saxophon/saxophone
Burkhard Beins, Schlagzeug/percussion
Orm Finnendahl, EDV/IT
1. mai/may 1
18 uhr/6 pm
Julien Patrick Claassen A tale of Machine and Men
Matthias Nagorni
demonstration of the Synthesizer-Software "AMS"
and composition for synthesizer
Fons Adriaensen
demonstration of organ simulation "Aeolus"
Thomas Grill
Odem II (tape)
Demonstrationen in englischer Sprache/
demonstrations in english
1. mai/may 1
20 uhr/6 pm
Ramon Gonzalez-Arroyo De l'Infinito Universo (tape)
Matthew Burtner
Siknik Unipkaaq (tape)
Torsten Anders
With Shifting Joints (tape)
Ivica Ico Bukvic
SlipStreamScapes V (2 Pianos und Live-Elektronik)
Panayiotis Kokoras
Breakwater (tape)
Ludger Bruemmer
Le temps du miroir, UA/WP (Piano und Live-Elektronik)
Maki Namekawa, Ivica Ico Bukvic, Klavier/piano
1. mai/may 1
22 uhr/10 pm
Linux Sound Night - Elektronika
Malte Steiner, Frank Barknecht,
Eugene Kim, ap (Martin Howse,
Jonathan Kemp), Krzysztof Gawlas,
Greg Kellum, Julian Oliver aka delire,
Diemo Schwarz
Support & After Show Party: DJ Lego
Donnerstag/Thursday 20 Uhr/8 pm: 5/3 EUR
Kombi-Ticket fuer Samstag 18 Uhr und 20:00 Uhr: 5/3 EUR Combined ticket for Saturday 6 pm and 8 pm: 5/3 EUR
Samstag/Saturday 22 Uhr/10 pm: frei/free
Infos zur Konferenz/info about the conference: www.zkm.de/lac