Hi list,
running Pd 0.48-0 vanilla on Windows and installing Gem 0.93.3 via Deken causes Problems at a few computers around me.
Gem loads with a [declare -lib Gem] object, but creating a [gemwin] object by sending it the [create< message fails with many lines of ... couldn't create GLdefine GL_LINEAR ... couldn't create GLdefine GL_EXP ... couldn't create GLdefine GL_EXP2 ... couldn't create GLdefine GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT ... couldn't create GLdefine GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT ... couldn't create GLdefine GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT ... couldn't create GEMglMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW ... couldn't create GEMgluLookAt 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 ... couldn't create GEMglLoadIdentity ... couldn't create GEMglMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION ... couldn't create GEMglLoadIdentity ... couldn't create GEMglFrustum -1 1 -1 1 1 20 ... couldn't create
IOhannes suspected a problem with the presence of a file Gem-meta.pd in the search path, but there seems no such file present on the computers at hand.
Using the Gem Windows installer from http://gem.iem.at/releases/0.93.3/Gem-0.93.3-W32-i686.exe did not help either.
This problem persists largely on Windows 10 machines and is present or not on identical operating system versions on different installations.
It would be great to get this to work. Happy to supply more information and testing.
best, Peter