I'm hoping someday that the "data structures" objects will be powerful enough to replace explode... this might take a while though!
You can get tables upside down by setting the y range from 1 to 0, for instance, instead of 0 to 1; perhaps that's what's happening...
cheers Miller
On Thu, Jun 14, 2001 at 03:20:10PM -0400, Michal Seta wrote:
will PD ever benefit from explode extern?
Also, I've noticed a weird behaviour with table. I've been writing to the table (an automated hanning window generation) and the curve in the table appears upside down... But the values are correct (ie the ramp from 0 to 1 reads as positive). SO it looks like just the display is fliped. All other tests with arrays are fine. I'm using kalashnikov extern to generate the values and that's the only case where I get things upside down...
any ideas?