It sounds great. I'd love to take part of PdCon16
cheers from brazil,
Em qui, 9 de jun de 2016 00:30, Ivica Bukvic ico@vt.edu escreveu:
Very cool!
-- Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A. Associate Professor Computer Music ICAT Senior Fellow Director -- DISIS, L2Ork Virginia Tech School of Performing Arts – 0141 Blacksburg, VA 24061 (540) 231-6139 ico@vt.edu www.performingarts.vt.edu disis.icat.vt.edu l2ork.icat.vt.edu ico.bukvic.net On Jun 5, 2016 2:24 AM, "Jaime Oliver" jaime.oliver2@gmail.com wrote:
Dear All,
If we take Miller Puckette's 1996 publication* as the beginning of Pd, then 2016 marks its 20th anniversary. To celebrate this birthday with Miller and the Pd Community we’d like to organize the 5th Pure Data Convention in New York City on November 17-20, 2016.
There are still a lot of details that we’re working out and a proper call will follow soon, but in the meantime, we want everyone to save the dates and include the convention in your travel plans as well as to prepare proposals for papers, workshops, and concerts.
We’re assembling a team at NYU’s Waverly Labs to host PdCon in the Music Department @ GSAS, with the support of the Washington Square Contemporary Music Society and New Blankets, and in coordination with local institutions like the Stevens Institute of Technology.
Looking forward to seeing you in New York.
All the best,
Jaime Oliver
- Puckette, Miller. "Pure Data: another integrated computer music
environment." Proceedings of the Second Intercollege Computer Music Concerts (1996): 37-41.
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