Hi Peter,
I have OpenCV
Could you please provide more information about why you can't load pix_opencv_threshold ? You should have some error in Pd console, and as suggested by Antoine Rousseau please start pd with -verbose flag and switch console to log mode "4 all". When you add a [declare -lib pix_opencv] , do you see a message on the Pd Console ? Something like : pix_opencv 0.4 library by Antoine Villeret 2012-2014 based on work by Yves Degoyon and Lluis Gomez i Bigorda built on Mar 14 2016 without non-free features and without FaceTracker.
If you don't then pix_opencv is not loaded but Pd should tell you why.
-- do it yourself http://antoine.villeret.free.fr
2017-10-19 18:33 GMT+02:00 Peter P. peterparker@fastmail.com:
thanks for your kind reply! Please see my comments below,
- Antoine Villeret antoine.villeret@gmail.com [2017-10-18 22:00]:
i'm glad to hear that someone uses pix_opencv (at least try it :-) )
first the easy part : l_ia64 extension is the Linux 64bit extension. it could also be 'pd_linux' but 'l_ia64' indicate more than just linux
so you can have several library binary for different architecture in the same folder and Pd will choose the right one on the fly.
First thing : pix_opencv depends on Gem, so you need to lot Gem before loading pix_opencv. Second thing : pix_opencv also depend on ... wait for it ... OpenCV ! but it is worth to say. You can easily install OpenCV on Linux and on macos it is a little bit
complicated that's why I tried to package OpenCV library binary with pix_opencv.
Debian Linux is offering me the following packages libopencv-apps0d libopencv-calib3d2.4v5 libopencv-contrib2.4v5 libopencv-core2.4v5 libopencv-features2d2.4v5 libopencv-flann2.4v5 libopencv-gpu2.4v5 libopencv-highgui2.4-deb0 libopencv-imgproc2.4v5 libopencv-legacy2.4v5 libopencv-ml2.4v5 libopencv-objdetect2.4v5 libopencv-ocl2.4v5 libopencv-photo2.4v5 libopencv-stitching2.4v5 libopencv-superres2.4v5 libopencv-ts2.4v5 libopencv-video2.4v5 libopencv-videostab2.4v5 libopencv2.4-java libopencv2.4-jni which pulls in a total of 44 packages. I installed them all, loaded using [declare -lib pix_opencv] and can not create an object like [pix_opencv_threshold].
But I don't have any package ready to distribute under the hand anymore. But if you want advance feature like CUDA and OpenCL acceleration then
need to build OpenCV by hand.
No need on my side for now, thank you. How would apple users install and use pix_opencv by the way? You mentioned that you included a libopencv binary with the external?
Btw I can load pix_opencv and try some example on Ubuntu 17.04 with Pd
and Gem 0.93.git 10759c2 I tried pix_opencv-v0.4-(Linux-amd64-64)-externals.tar.gz and pix_opencv-v0.4-Ubuntu15.10-(Linux-amd64-64)-externals.tar.gz.
Can you check which libopencv-packages you have installed on that computer?
All the best, Peter
I hope this help a little bit. If you need more advice, please follow Antoine Rousseau advice to track down what is missing.
-- do it yourself http://antoine.villeret.free.fr
2017-10-18 21:20 GMT+02:00 Antoine Rousseau antoine@metalu.net:
With -verbose, I do find two lines of (...)
you may need to set Log level to 4 (all) in the Pd console (in
addition to
-verbose), in order to know which lib is missing.
Antoine Rousseau http://www.metalu.net http://metalu.net __ htt p://www.metaluachahuter.com/ http://www.metaluachahuter.com/compagnies/al1-ant1/
2017-10-18 18:47 GMT+02:00 Pagano, Patrick patrick.pagano@uconn.edu:
Last i tried you also had to have the OpenCV Framework for it to work
OSX and Linux
It was not only the Pd stuff that was required.
I would love some clarity of the state of OpenCV in OSX/Linux too if anyone can share that info
Patrick Pagano B.S, M.F.A
*Assistant Professor in Residence*
*Digital Media & Design *
*Web & Interactive Technologies*
*University of Connecticut, Stamford*
*(352)-226-2016 <(352)%20226-2016>*
*From:* Pd-list pd-list-bounces@lists.iem.at on behalf of Peter P.
peterparker@fastmail.com> *Sent:* Wednesday, October 18, 2017 11:08:26 AM *To:* pd-list *Subject:* Re: [PD] which pix_opencv to select in Deken?
- Peter P. peterparker@fastmail.com [2017-10-18 14:03]:
Hi list,
I am wondering about the differences between the following two
results for "opencv" in Deken on Debian Linux:
pix_opencv-v0.4-Ubuntu15.10-(Linux-amd64-64)-externals.tar.gz Uploaded by avilleret @ 2016-03-14 16:31:30
pix_opencv-v0.4-(Linux-amd64-64)-externals.tar.gz Uploaded by avilleret @ 2016-03-14 21:20:55
Furthermore, with either I can't arrive at loading the lib and
its object. Loading with the path set and [declare -lib pix_openc]
not print a success message.
I am replying to my own thread.
The library pix_opencv IS loaded, I apologise! With -verbose, I do find two lines of ~.local/lib/pd/extra/pix_opencv/pix_opencv.l_ia64 and succeeded ~.local/lib/pd/extra/pix_opencv/pix_opencv.l_ia64 and succeeded
But when I try to create an object such as [pix_opencv_threshold] it
not created, any possibly required files are not found according to
console verbose printout.
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