On Tue, 7 Dec 2004 15:28:10 +0000 ix ix@replic.net wrote:
a great improvement may be to transform it to an array, but with a different visualization style (binary mode, ha ha!).
what is the 'binary mode' can you describe? or perhaps give a mock-up illustration?
ok, follow me (:
looking from *data* viewpoint: vbitmap = integer
looking from *interface* viewpoint: vbitmap is a one-value controller (like number, slider, radio), that shows you bits of a number, and also lets you typein number's bits instead of whole numbers.
now think to the array object. it's nothing than an integer-array, with a convenient interface to enter data, and most of all, a simple method to read data (you use the [tabread] object, that has 1 inlet, 1 outlet... isn't this simple?)
so, makinkg an array of vbitmaps it's just like presenting the array data in another format: binary (and also another way to enter these numbers). this is just an idea.
the point is that: when you want sequence some data you almost do the same thing, you create array of objects & numbers. i tried to make a patch that aims to be a sequencer (intended for notes, but this it's just one application of sequencing)... first of all it is a big frustration connecting many and many wires to make a so simple thing :9 i realized that it is few reusable because of the complexity in adding more objects(vradios) to "the array"... :| you can't change the "array" length dinamically, so more are the controls, more is the need of something that automates this work.
what do you think about?
im not sure what vradiobitmap is supposed to do..but have you looked at \doc\7.stuff\data-structures .
i still didn't get into this stuff, but it looks interesting. i'm going to learn this aspect of puredata when i'll be less busy :)