with pyext and glob python module, it is quite easy. for example the following simple sample code (call it simple_dir.py e.g.) will output files path each time you send it the next message (after you sent it the message 'pictures' or 'sounds'). the number of files is len(self.fs). one instantiate this object in puredata with |pyx simple_dir visit_dir|
greetings, vincent
import pyext import glob
class visit_dir(pyext._class): _inlets = 1 _outlets = 1
def pictures_1(self):
self.fs = glob.glob('my_path/*png')
def sounds_1(self):
self.fs = glob.glob('my_path/*ogg')
def next_1(self):
if self.fs:
self. _outlet(1, self.fs.pop())
cdr wrote:
On Mon Feb 13, 2006 at 08:39:43PM -0500, Mark Polishook wrote:
thanks ---
- is there a tot for darwin?
[shell] or [popen] and GNU Find works great for this sort of thing... i tended to cache the current dir's filenames in a maphash or pool object, so that you could randomly select other files w/o going back to the shell..
On Feb 13, 2006, at 8:31 PM, patco wrote:
Hello, Folderspiller is a set of patches designed for loading from any
directory the filetypes you choose. http://impala.utopia.free.fr/pd/patchs/selection/OUTILS/ folderspiller+fbox/--- Mark Polishook polishook@optonline.net a ?crit :
just wondering if there's an example or documentation somewhere for loading a directory of soundfiles (rather than reading one in at a time) so that the patch can figure out how many files exist and then load them, etc.
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