I have the same problem. I'm with PD 0.4/ Gem 0.9 on OSX 10.4. It doesn't output a bang, i mean that you should see. But anything else didn't work either.
On 10/5/06, Javier García tirengarfio@hotmail.com wrote:
thanks padawan, I have tried it but it neither works...
From: padawan12 padawan12@obiwannabe.co.uk To: pd-list@iem.at Subject: Re: [PD] GEM: pix_movie outlet doesnt send any signal? Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2006 13:01:17 +0100
I suspect you need to connect it to a message box containing the float 1
bang | [1( | [print]
On Wed, 04 Oct 2006 22:26:12 +0200 Javier García tirengarfio@hotmail.com wrote:
i just want to print "1" when the movie has finished.
For that, i have connected the right outlet of pix_movie to a number (ie
and that to [print], but it doenst print the number...
What is going wrong?
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