Hi Miller, thanks. I had to create the object "declare -stdpath /Applications/Pd-0.47-1-64bit.app/Contents/Resources/extra" in order to load them.
On Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 4:43 PM, Miller Puckette msp@ucsd.edu wrote:
It should be included in vanilla, in "Pd.app/Contenrs/Resources/extra". It should be automatically found by Pd as long as "use standard extensions" is checked in the "path" preferences dialog (which it normally should be by default).
cheers Miller
On Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 04:32:03PM -0400, Angelo Arcadi wrote:
Hello, when I was using pd-extended I used to use the objects complex-mod~ and hilbert~.
Now on Vanilla I don't find them, nor I am able to find them with Deken. Which package they belong to? If I am not wrong they should come with vanillla.... however, pd says "couldn't create" for both of them. I am on a mac osx 10.11.5, using pd 64 bit version 0.47.1.
Does anyone know where the sources of these can be found?
Thanks in advance
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