Yves Degoyon wrote:
but i've seen a very good distribution lately that includes pd, it'argentinian and focused on music softwares :
MUSIX : http://www.musix.org.ar/
My Brasillian friends are working with something they call Mubuntu. Basically it's just the Ubuntu installer with DeMuDi packages on top. Not difficult to do, just add the sources to your apt-sources list. Only watch out for the DeMuDi core packages, as the configuration they do breaks some of the Ubuntu nicities.
i'm not any more into doing efficient objects for people with a nice titanium and a dv, i think i don't care..
you can have expensive means of production, still got nothing to say...
hehe, provocation, sooo sweet...
If you're running a "nice titanium", you'll be wasting a lot more time with Linux than you should, unfortunately. The amount of work, and in some cases sheer impossibility, to get a Powerbook (espc a newer one) to properly do such normal things as sleep mode, wifi and and accelerated graphics is pretty frustrating. (Mind you, this is coming from a guy who builds Gentoo multimedia systems on x86 all the time!) Makes you wonder if all that work just tuning the OS is worth it when a great many FLOSS apps can be made to run in OSX with at least the same amount of work or much less.
Another provocation? ;-)